Legal notice
Information according to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)
Bedrunka+Hirth Gerätebau GmbH
Gießnaustr. 8
78199 Bräunlingen
Commercial register: HRB 611130
Register court: AG-Freiburg
Represented by the Managing Director: Ludwig Kellner, MBA
Telephone: +49 771 9201-0
VAT identification number in accordance with §27 a of the VAT Act:
DE 258029020
Dispute arbitration
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer mediation body.
Liability for contents
According to § 7 para. 1 TMG, we as the service provider are responsible under general law for our own contents on these web pages. However, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we as service provider, are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to search for circumstances that indicate unlawful activities.
Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws remain unaffected. Any liability in this regard is, however, only possible from the point in time at which knowledge of the specific infringement is obtained. These contents will be immediately removed upon discovery of any corresponding legal infringements.
Liability for links
Our website contains links to external websites operated by third parties, whose contents are not subject to our influence. We therefore cannot be held responsible for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is responsible for the content of these linked pages. The linked pages were checked at the point in time of linking for possible legal infringements. No illegal contents were ascertained at the point in time the links were created.
However, a permanent check of the content of linked pages is not possible without specific indications of a legal infringement. We shall remove such links immediately if we become aware of legal infringements.
The content and works presented on these pages by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. Permission for the multiplication, processing, dissemination and all types of use beyond the limits of copyright law must be obtained in writing from the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this website are permissible only for private, non-commercial purposes.
If the content on this website has not been created by the operator, the copyright of third parties shall be observed. In particular, the content of third parties is identified as such. If you should become aware, despite this, of an infringement of copyright, we request that you inform us accordingly. We shall remove such content immediately if we become aware of legal infringements.
Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)
The purpose of the whistleblower system is to receive and process reports of (suspected) violations of the law or serious internal violations of regulations against Bedrunka+Hirth Gerätebau GmbH in a secure and confidential manner.
The aim is to process the data of the reporting persons while maintaining confidentiality. The responsible body collects data on the type of use. This only includes the number of reports received. The statistical data is not evaluated on a personal basis. It is also possible to submit a report without providing personal data.
If you are an employee within the meaning of the Whistleblower Protection Act, you can contact our internal reporting office for information:
Phone: +49 (0) 771/9201-27